Strangest, Craziest, Weirdest Lesbian Dating Story – The Winner

by Mary Gorham Malia

Wow! The lesbian dating stories I’ve been reading over the last week are amazing. I’ve had about 20 submissions for the contest for craziest lesbian dating story. What fun to read them all. I’ve had to go back and reread them a couple of times and then finally take notes. I want to start out by thanking each one of the gay girls who shared a story. If you haven’t read the comments on my Facebook page, then let me share some short excerpts here for your enjoyment.

Before you get into the stories and find out the winner, let me remind you that I’ve got a free teleseminar happening on January 7th at 11:00am EST. To register click here.

Now back to your stories.

There are the usual bad girl activities like her picture doesn’t actually match her face when she shows up. And her age is different along with her height and weight. No one really likes that and you’ve got to wonder what this woman is thinking. Does she really believe that no one will notice or perhaps you won’t care?  It may be a case of complete unconsciousness!

Along with the mistaken identity problem is the gay girl who already has a girlfriend and is online looking to have some quickie sex. She tells you its ok because her girlfriend is on the road and won’t be home for a day or two. Hmmm… leave now honey!

Then you can move onto the gay girls that have to be tough girls. She’s got a record, she’s an active felon, she’s a drug dealer or she’s a professional thief. She’s done prison time and she’s wanted and will likely serve more time.  It’s possible this beauty is actually on home lock down with a monitor bracelet on her ankle. To discover this, you’ve broken a major first date rule and met her at her house.

Some of you are now familiar with the raving lunatic. She finds a reason to get verbally abusive to each and every individual that you come into contact with during a date. The waiter, ticket seller and other customers at a business establishment are all game for her own unique brand of abusive behavior. She doesn’t target you with her verbal abuse; she’s just giving you a big show. Wow, step away and leave quickly!

Then there are the odd things that happen and are probably the result of just poor planning and maybe nerves. The date that gets sick out of the blue. She is really sick but it’s unnerving for you and no fun at all.  Or she’s late because she got lost and the walk in the park turns into the walk in the dark. You’re still not sure what she looks like because ti was so dark but it doesn’t matter because you’re not going to see her again.

Don’t you love the online connection who is instantly saying to you, “Honey, sweetie, baby where have you been all my life!” while you’re still not sure you even like this online dating thing. She pushes and pushes and finally convinces you to meet. Then she does a quick pull-back and blames you for not being her type. Are you confused yet?

There’s the blind date who brought another date with her. You can be sure there are professional dominatrix online seeking a submissive and vice versa. Let’s celebrate that life is full of variety.

My favorite story is from the nurse who had series of four dates with the same woman. Each date was interrupted by a medical emergency where this nurse saved someone’s life. Can you imagine? Four dates and four medical emergencies where Ms. Nurse was the medical help on the scene first. The odds of this have to be slimmer than winning the lottery.

I love this story. Can you imagine being the nurse’s date? They head out for their first date and someone has a heart attach at the table next to them. The nurse jumps up and saves the guys life. Wow. I imagine that her date was actually really impressed with Ms. Nurse’s ability to save a life and take control in a chaotic situation.

Then imagine date #2 and a repeat performance. Ok, this seems weird but I’m still intrigued by Ms. Nurse and her amazing ability to save a life and then resume normal life. I’ll keep trying with date #3.

Date #3 and it’s like being Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day. It’s another medical emergency and Ms. Nurse saves another life. As Ms. Nurse’s date, I now am wondering what lesson I need to learn to get out of this cycle. What am I missing? Do I need to take a CPR class? What does the universe want to teach me? Think. Think. Think. Wonder and finally worry.

Date #4.  Ms. Nurse doesn’t even make it to the date because there is a big traffic accident and she is the first medical help on the scene while in her car on her way to see me for date #4.  Ms. Nurse has become the ultimate superhero!

Continuing to see myself as the date, I’m now freaked out. I’m done with dating Ms. Nurse. I now see myself as a jinx for all the possible medical emergencies that have happened and perhaps if Ms. Nurse weren’t dating me these medical emergencies wouldn’t have happened. That’s it. And of course there is Ms. Nurse’s superhero powers. It’s very freaky that she’s always on the scene. Did she set this up to impress me? I don’t want to know. There will be no date #5. We are done with this movie and the odd feeling of crazy it might create for me as her date.

Honestly, this is the dating story that won my heart. It’s the winning story – Medical Emergencies! Thank you Nurse Laura E. S. for sharing this great story! Your Amazon gift card will be arriving shortly.

This is the most unique dating story I’ve ever read. As someone who believes that the universe lines up things in our lives to teach us and help us grow, this story really spoke to me about the mysteries of life.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the recap here. One of the gifts we can give one another is sharing our stories. It helps each of us feel more sane when we realize that someone else has had a bad date, or a crazy date or even a superhero saving lives multiple times date.

Thanks to each and every one of you that shared a story on Facebook or here on I loved reading all of them.

Hugs to each of you,  Mary  

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About Mary Gorham Malia:

Mary Gorham Malia is a gay girl who’s passed the age of 50, survived menopause, hot flashes and night sweats, raised two children, came out later in life, divorced, grew from being a baby dyke to a lesbian with many dating experiences, has been rescued from cubicle nation and now finds the wisdom of being a bit older as the salvation she always wanted. She’s gone from lost and angry teenager to seasoned life traveler who has a commitment to reach out to the lesbian nation and make a difference for lgbt women.

As the founder and organizer of lesbian focused community groups in multiple states, with members numbering in the thousands, she brings her unique philosophies to women dating women wherever she can. Her unique focus is as a  ”Step by Step You Can Live an Extraordinary Life” Gay Girl Dating Coach because happiness is more than a date!

She is committed to serving the gay girl community anywhere and everywhere it is in order to support women in being their most brilliant selves and creating extraordinary lives. Her focus on authenticity, humor and daring to dream show up in her writing and speaking and in her own life as well. Not only does she teach women how to date 21st century style but she also works with business owners and executives across many industries including marketing, health services, nonprofits, and technology.

Her business, Gay Girl Dating, LLC, was founded on the belief that lesbian, gay, queer, bi and transgender women can live extraordinary lives when they understand the principles and practices that make life great and put these practices into action in their own lives.

Gay Girl Dating Coach, LLC PO Box 10924, Portland, ME 04104 | Office: 207-450-1611| © 2011 Gay Girl Dating Coach, LLC
Unauthorized duplication or publication of any materials from this site is expressly prohibited.

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