Client Love – Find Your Great Lesbian Love
It’s so wonderful to see clients find lesbian love and the relationship they’ve been dreaming about for years, to help them accomplish their goals and to create a new and amazing life and love. I’ve asked my clients to share their results and experiences with you.
Now it would be nice if I could post pictures for you of all these women, but I think you’ll understand when I say that confidentiality is a factor with most of the women I coach. Though I’m very out, I recognize that many women are not out in various ways in their lives.
At Gay Girl Dating Coach, we respect your privacy and confidentiality!
These are real women with real results and real testimonies that I’ve received from them about their coaching experience and their outcomes. They’ve changed their lives and found love! Yes, yippee, yippee, yippee!!
I feel like the luckiest womanl in the world to be able to help my lesbian community find love and leave pain behind.
Read about:
- Krista was deeply discouraged with her dating and relationship experiences.
- Kateri shares her experience in a blockbuster Deep Dive Session!
- Janet, her relationship ended and she was struggling with moving on.
- Lisa, she was late to lesbian life and after a year of struggling wasn’t sure she’d ever be kissed. She’s in a great relationship now.
- Michelle lost her life partner to cancer. A very tough time in her life got harder as she started to date again after 16 years of being in a committed relationship.
- Carmen was overwhelmed with online dating and was intimidated about asking women out.
- Karen was struggling with moving on from her civil-union divorce, health issues and feeling trapped and lost.
Mary appeared in my life when I was finally able to seriously self-reflect about dating trends that to me felt extremely discouraging. My problem wasn’t meeting women, but instead meeting women who shared enough common values.
Mary helped to guide me through a process of establishing what my non-negotiable needs are in a relationship. I chose the Diamond Program because I knew I’d benefit greatly from the combination of the group sessions and exercises along with the personal 1:1 phone calls.
Her research coupled with her very intuitive and practical insights always shed very helpful light on what was happening for me at the time. She has schooled herself on the trends of how women relationships operate differently.
She also has a spiritual lens from which I greatly benefitted. Going with the premise that you can’t unknow what you know, I now feel so much more equipped to make more thoughtful and conscious dating decisions thanks to Mary. She has a great deal to offer the lesbian community on the whole as well as individuals who sign up for her programs. I can’t recommend Mary more highly!
Krista – HR Professional, world traveler, living in New England
Through insightful questions and accurate reflection of my thoughts and feelings, Mary helped me see the inner constructs that block me from finding the relationship I want.
Mary is a true professional, she knows her stuff, and delivers it brilliantly with courage, compassion, and humor. She can help you get to the heart of the matter so that you can move forward with clarity. If you commit yourself to the work, Mary will help you take a quantum leap forward in your life.
Kateri – Holistic healer, plant lover and musician, living in Massachusetts
“Client Love from Janet”
A lesbian who ended a relationship and was having a hard time moving on…
I had broken-up and I wanted to find a better way through it. I’ve done therapy and that included a lot of crying but it wasn’t helping. Coaching has been a much better experience for me. I feel like I moved forward so much faster, it’s been amazing how the tools and techniques Mary taught me to use have helped me to not just move on but to feel happier about life.
I now know I can chose my emotions and not be controlled by them. Mary has coached me on this strategy until I really understood how to use it every day. Now I can feel happy all the time and it doesn’t matter when someone doesn’t respond to my online dating messages!
(This really is Janet!)
I’ve never gotten over a break-up so quickly! Even my sister says that the change has been amazing. She’s so glad that I’ve been working with Mary to turn my love life around.
My approach to dating has changed entirely. I came out in my early 20s and now I am in my 50s. I thought I knew a lot about dating but wow! I’ve learned so much about how to manage my thinking and emotions around dating that my therapist never taught me.
I’m clear about what I want and what I’m looking for in a woman. I thought I knew in the past but there’s no comparison to what I’ve learned working with Mary. Now I don’t get torn apart when dates don’t work out! That’s made dating a lot more fun even when there’s no second date.
I’m staying out of dating drama! In all my years, this is the best experience ever!
Coaching with Mary has been such a great experience that I’m sorry it’s over! It was completely worth the time and investment in myself.
You will learn a lot fast. She’ll help you move in the right direction for you. You’ll break through your own blocks and feel supported the whole time.
One of the biggest things for me was how strong I felt as I engaged in this process. Dating had always made me feel so powerless and discouraged in the past. I recommend Mary’s coaching program without any reservations! She changed my life!
I’m going slow and know I’ll find someone who is a really magnificent match for me. My life is great these days. Thank you Mary for keeping me motivated and on track with my goals!!
Janet – golfer, hugger and soon to retire, living in Massachusetts
“Client Love from Lisa”
I decided to come out about a year before I started to work with Mary. I was so excited about this big step in my life. I was turning 50 and had been completely career focused. In spite of my very successful career, I knew there had to be more and I wanted it.
I didn’t realize that long time lesbians would practically shun me and I just didn’t understand why this was happening over and over. Not only could I not get a second date but after a year of trying, I didn’t think I’d ever get my first lesbian kiss. I was convinced that I sucked at dating and would never find love.
I had been a happy single women for most of my life. When I decided to come out and persue a relationship and then nothing seemed to work, it was a whole new level of feeling bad about myself. I was trying and failing, nothing seemed to be working. I wasn’t meeting anyone that would consider me worthy of dating. You can’t imagine how bad that felt when I was so successful in the rest of my life.
The big benefit for me was having to be accountable to someone. Knowing that I’d be talking to Mary and having to report back to her about what I’d done helped me keep moving forward. During the discouraging times this was so helpful, she helped me to keep going and get out of the house. I felt cared about in my process of learning how to date, have my first lesbian relationship and create friendships within the lesbian community.
Coaching with Mary helped me break the cycle of panic I was experiencing. Panic, doubt, loneliness and constant fear about what I had done in coming out and that I’d never find a girlfriend.
(This is not Lisa, but she felt like this sometimes before she started dating coaching!)
Mary gets the highest of recommendations from me because she got it. She really understood my situation and gave me real tools to break out of my panic. You won’t regret committing to work with her, so don’t wait. Her approach is respectful but challenging. She helped me reach my goal of finding lesbian love!
Her systematic approach to dating made me see it as something practical instead of nebulous, which is how online dating felt to me before. I didn’t know how to make a connection in dating and I was excited to learn that coaching doesn’t have to be all touchy feelly like therapy.
Mary put a tool box in my hands and I didn’t have to resort to hanging out at bars and drinking parties to find love.
Now not only do I have a dating life but I’ve just celebrated my five month anniversary with my girlfriend.
I’m having the time of my life and Mary’s guidance made all the difference. I’ve put her tools and strategies to work in my dating life and I can testify they work.
Even now, I still work with Mary to stay on track in this new relationship.
Lisa – Executive in the Non-Profit World, dog lover and sports fan, North Carolina
Are you interested in seeing if you can get similar results?
The only way we can find out is to get on the phone and chat.
Book a 15 minute Get Acquainted Call and let’s talk!

“Client Love from Michelle”
My partner of 16 years died a little over three years ago. It was devastating to me. We were the best of friends and had an amazingly loving relationship for all those years.

(No, this isn’t Carmen, but she’s just as charming and smart as this picture suggests.)
I want to THANK YOU so much for helping me move past my fear of asking women out. I’d like to keep in touch so when I DO find the right person, I can let you know
Carmen, boater, french speaker and rockin’ it sales rep, Texas.
I’m retired and I wasn’t planning on starting over at my age but life seemed to have left me very few choices.
Where the heck does one go to meet women when the bar scene is out and events that are all about young women are not someplace to find a woman I’d like to be with? That was just the tip of the iceberg of the questions I had for Mary when I decided to work with her to move my life forward.
I got into coaching with Mary to find a partner; what I got was so much more than I had expected. I’ve created an amazing relationship with myself. I’ve learned what compromise really means. Now I really am equipped to find the right partner. I’m open and ready when she arrives.
The value of my coaching experience was enormous. Mary’s ability to communicate and meet my needs with both her professional skills and life experiences created a safe space for me to share and really feel heard. It was priceless to me. A five star experience.
I was 32 when I came out. I had taken the good Catholic girl road, i.e. married and had two children. The shift from married mother running my own business to out lesbian in her 30’s happened fast. I struggled with finances, raising my children and being in a lesbian relationship. After my civil-union divorce, I ended up living in Maine and was desperate to get out.
The first time I started to tell Mary my story, I realized that I was sick of hearing it! With Mary’s help I started to have big insights into my life and the barriers I was creating that kept me from finding happiness and peace. I changed my story, crafted a vision for my life and let go of the grief and sense of failure I was carrying around about my past.
I have so much appreciation for the process Mary brought me through. I finally had permission to think differently, explore new ideas and shift not just my story but my life and what it means. Mary helped me to create self-care rituals for my daily life. These all help me manage my chronic health issues and feel like I’m living well.
I have to thank Mary sincerely and deeply. I’m now living in California with an amazing community of women. I love it.
I feel like life has opened up in ways I’d always dreamed about but never believed could really happen. I highly recommend Mary’s coaching program. You will not regret the changes that can take place when you work with an experienced and insightful person like Mary.
Karen, retired, living large in California, MichFest Womyn, Archer, Horseback Rider, Mom and Grandmom
In gratitude, Lynn, in Canada, professional, hiker, music lover and doggie lover!)
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